2-1-1, 3-1-1, 8-1-1, 9-1-1 Services

2-1-1 Service
The MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges offers a 2-1-1 call service, an easily accessible information and referral service, available 7 days a week, from 8am to 6pm, 365 days a year, multilingual (+ 200 languages). It helps to combat poverty and social exclusion by enabling people with non-urgent social needs to be quickly informed about community resources, including mental health, housing and food assistance.
The service is also available online: https://www.211qc.ca/en/directory/monteregie/mrc-vaudreuil-soulanges
3-1-1 Service
In order to lower the burden on the 9-1-1 call center, the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges offers a 3-1-1 service for all non-emergency calls requiring municipal intervention, including:
- broken water mains and flooding;
- road obstacles;
- damaged traffic lanes;
- non-functional traffic signs;
- burnt out lights and other problems of this sort.

8-1-1 Service
Option 1 – Info-Santé
Info-Santé 811 (option 1) is a free and confidential telephone consultation service. 811 is the only telephone number for this service. Dialling 811 (option 1) promptly puts you in contact with a nurse in case of a non-urgent health issue. However, in the event of a serious problem or emergency, it is important to dial 9-1-1 or go to the emergency room.
The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Anyone living in Québec can call Info-Santé 811 for themselves or a family member.
Option 2 – Info-Sociale
Info‑Social 811 is a free and confidential telephone consultation service.
811 is the only telephone number for this service. You can call 811 to reach a psychosocial worker quickly if you have a psychosocial problem.
The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Anyone who lives in Québec can call Info‑Social 811 for themselves or for a family member or friend. A person who lives in Québec cannot call Info‑Social 811 if they are outside Québec.
Info‑Social 811 service professionals give advice and can answer questions about psychosocial issues. If necessary, they can also refer you to an appropriate resource in the health and social services network or to a community resource. Here are some examples of situations when you can call Info‑Social 811:
- You are in a situation that is making you feel anxious.
- You are worried about a family member or friend.
- You are experiencing family or relationship problems.
- You are going through a bereavement.
- You have questions about other worrisome situations or behaviours.
9-1-1 Service
The MRC processes 9-1-1 emergency calls for all 23 municipalities of its territory. 9-1-1 calls are redirected to Centrale 9-1-1 de la Ville de Lévis. When there is an emergency (a situation that endangers public safety), citizens dial 9-1-1 to obtain emergency services from Sureté du Québec (police), Alerte-Santé (ambulance) and fire stations.
In addition to receiving emergency calls, the 9-1-1 center must adequately distribute alerts until their follow-up through the call radio communications of the fire department. In order to do so, dispatchers have relevant information available that enables them to be as effective as possible. The computer system also allows for precise location-based mapping of an event, proximity to fire hydrants and the risks factors associated with a building, such as the number of dwellings, the number of floors and the presence of hazardous materials.