Sustainable Social Development in Vaudreuil-Soulanges
To this end, the MRC stays informed about the financing opportunities available that will benefit the region. Namely, it has entered many financial partnernships with lenders of public and private funds, including the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications, the Ministère de l’Immigration de la Diveristé et de l’Inclusion, as well as the Fondation Chagnon. The MRC established the Fonds de développement des communautés in order to support sustainable social development projects in the region.
In keeping with citizen participation, the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges developped a governance model in collaboration with its social development partners. The Table territoriale sur la Politique de développement social durable is made up of some thirty members from diverse sectors, making it the largest intersectional collaborative entity in the territory.
The Table‘s mission is to analyze all aspects of the execution and enforcement of the PDSD, and to make relevant recommendations to the MRC council.