Collection of Recyclables
The MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges manages the collection and transportation of recyclable materials in the region.
The organization Éco Entreprises Québec (Bin Impact) has been mandated by the Quebec government to define the terms and management of selective collection.
The collection of recyclable materials with 360-litre wheeled bins takes place every week:


Sorting of Materials
Is what you want to put in your blue bin a container, packaging or printed matter?
Is it made of paper, cardboard, plastic, glass or metal?
If you answered yes to both questions, the item goes in your blue bin. If you’re not sure, consult our waste sorting tool: www.tricycle-mrcvs.ca/en.
Bin replacement or new bin
To have a damaged bin repaired or replaced, or to obtain a bin for a new address, simply contact your municipality.
The bins are municipally owned and are associated with an address. If you move, you must leave it on the premises.
Terms of the collection
- The materials must be placed in a blue wheeled bin provided by the city (for mechanised collection);
- Materials outside the bin will not be collected (excluding special surplus collection, when scheduled).

Video clips
Discover the ” trucs du trieur “ to properly sort your recyclable materials in Vaudreuil-Soulanges.
Don’t forget, the best sorting trick is to sort!